Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Gestion des vaccins

Lors d'une visite à un dépôt régional pour le stockage des vaccins , on découvre cette boite de 50 flacons de DTC ( à 10 doses) provenant d'un dépôt de district.

Ces 500 doses de vaccins n'ont pas été utilisées suite au dépassement de la date d'expiration  ( Septembre 2012). La gestion manuel des vaccins et le non respect des règles (premier expiré, premier sortie) entraînent la perte de vaccins.

L'introduction de la gestion informatisée des  stocks des vaccins permettra de réduire ces pertes.
Les VVM sont au stade 4 car ces vaccins, en attente de destruction, n'ont pas été stockées dans le réfrigérateur.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Protect from freeze or beyond temperature violation... (New York)

Dear All,

The coldest air in almost 20 years was sweeping over the central U.S. toward the East Coast, threatening to topple temperature records, ignite energy demand and damage Great Plains winter wheat. That week, I was in New York. It was freezing cold - though I knew it was going to be cold, my sweater and heavy coat did not help much since there was also terrible wind all the time!..

On the 7th of January, walking in the 40E street, a pallet sitting on the pavement attracted my attention with a sign on it "Protect from freeze". I was in a rush for an appointment and just continued walking. In the afternoon, going back to my hotel from the same street, I was shocked to see the same pallet at the same spot, still waiting. This time I made a photo, then took a screen shot of my iPhone showing the temperature.

Minus 16 deg C!.. I had no idea since when the pallet was left on the pavement, unattended like this, but was sure, whatever it contained, was sure frozen. This is what I call "temperature violation"...

Cheers UMIT

Thursday, January 23, 2014

SCAVENGER HUNT LIST - Increase your powers of observation on items related cold chain and good storage & distribution practices

Scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items.  Then, the participants seek to gather all the items on the list and take photographs of the items, as specified.

For fun and learning purposes throughout the course, we will be hunting a list of items as described below.  You need to find these items in your own settings, searching and finding others’ photographs in the web is not acceptable. 

We want each of you to find as many items as possible and post your hunt (the photograph and the story behind it) to this blog.  You do not need to wait until you compile all of them, post your hunt as you find one and then the other.  Increase your powers of observation on items related cold chain and good storage & distribution practices.

  1. A non-pharma example of measuring temperature 
  2. An example of good warehousekeeping
  3. An example of heat transfer (challenge - can you make a photograph with all different forms of heat transfer in one frame?)
  4. An instance thermometer is used as a monitoring device
  5. A photograph of a refrigerated truck outside the pharmaceutical cold chain
  6. A temperature sensitive product being administered to a child/person
  7. Primary or intermediate vaccine storage facility showing vaccines in storage
  8. Dispatch of temperature sensitive products from a storage facility 
  9. Refrigerator with vaccines organized 
  10. A health worker in immunization outreach 
  11. Temperature monitoring devices in a refrigerator (need to see at least two different types of temperature monitoring device including VVM)
  12. TTSPP handled in a retail pharmacy
  13. Risks associated with transport and control measures
  14. A temperature violation
  15. Acquire a readily available consumer product that can also be used as a temperature detection device to determine if the contents of a package were exposed to temperatures above 30°C.